NON est Rex praeter eum quem vidi; et adoro et colo eum; et pro eius cultura si milies occidar, ipsius ero ut coepi; Christum mihi de ore, Christum mihi de corde auferre tormenta non potuerunt. Valde enim paeniteo me errasse, quod ante nomen sanctum tuum in hominibus sanctis exhorrui, et satis tardius ad adorandum verum regem superbus miles accessi. Amen.
THERE is no King but Him whom I have seen. I adore and worship Him, and for His sake, even though I be slain a thousand times, I will always be His. Torments are not able to take Christ from my mouth, nor from my heart. Bitterly do I regret that I detested His Holy Name in holy men, and came so late, like a haughty soldier, to adoring the true King. Amen.
From the Acts of his Martyrdom
© The Fraternity of St Genesius 2007
Prayer of St Genesius
Praying for those involved in cinema and theatre