Praying for those involved in cinema and theatre
The Litanies of St Genesius
© The Fraternity of St Genesius 2010
The Litanies of St Genesius
Lord have mercy on us,
Lord have mercy on us
Christ have mercy on us,
Christ have mercy on us
Lord have mercy on us,
Lord have mercy on us
Christ hear us,
Christ graciously hear us
God the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us
God the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us
Holy Trinity One God, have mercy on us
Holy Mary, pray for us
Holy Mother of God, pray for us
Mother of the Church, pray for us
Queen of Martyrs, pray for us
Beauty and Ornament of Grace, pray for us
Lady of Joy, pray for us
St Genesius, pray for us
Martyr for Christ, pray for us
Witness to Grace, pray for us
Poet of Salvation, pray for us
Servant of God, pray for us
Lover of Christ, pray for us
Child of the Spirit, pray for us
Joyful Prodigal, pray for us
Prize of Mercy, pray for us
Help of Converts, pray for us
Model for Actors, pray for us
Heaven’s Comedian, pray for us
Apostle of the Arts, pray for us
Friend of the Sick, pray for us
Patron of Epilepsy, pray for us
Faithful Companion, pray for us
Icon of Hope, pray for us
Consoler of the Persecuted, pray for us
Intercessor for the Innocent, pray for us
Sagacious Counsellor, pray for us
Ardent Confidant, pray for us
Advocate for Justice, pray for us
Tutor in Fortitude, pray for us
Shield of Purity, pray for us
Champion of Peace, pray for us
Victorious Victim, pray for us
Zealous Parable, pray for us
Blessed Evangelist, pray for us
St Genesius, lately born to faith, pray for us
St Genesius, who desired to receive the grace of Christ, pray for us
St Genesius, who found your peace in the Heart of Christ, pray for us
St Genesius, whose heart was touched by Truth himself, pray for us
St Genesius, who sang of the mercy of the Father, pray for us
St Genesius, who was enflamed by the Holy Spirit, pray for us
St Genesius, who was made poor in spirit, pray for us
St Genesius, in whom the fountain of life burst forth, pray for us
St Genesius, who chose Christ above all things, pray for us
St Genesius, who endured tortures for love of Christ, pray for us
St Genesius, who inspires us with courage, pray for us
St Genesius, who in martyrdom adored the True King, pray for us
St Genesius, in whom the death of Christ is revealed, pray for us
St Genesius, transformed by the love of God, pray for us
St Genesius, renewed by grace, pray for us
St Genesius, baptized in your own blood, pray for us
St Genesius, washed in the Blood of the Lamb, pray for us
St Genesius, in grace a child of mercy, pray for us
St Genesius, in flesh a sign of God’s mercy, pray for us
St Genesius, soul blessed by the intercession of the angels, pray for us
St Genesius, strong in the face of persecution, pray for us
St Genesius, patient before your accusers, pray for us
St Genesius, faithful in all your trials, pray for us
St Genesius, in death, the image of our Crucified Saviour, pray for us
St Genesius, a light for our times, pray for us
St Genesius, intercessor for our young, pray for us
St Genesius, guide for all artists, pray for us
St Genesius, living testimony of peace, pray for us
St Genesius, blessed servant of joy, pray for us
St Genesius, ardent witness to the Gospel, pray for us
St Genesius, quick in response to our prayers, pray for us
St Genesius, clothed in the garments of salvation, pray for us
St Genesius, now reigning with Christ in glory, pray for us
V. Pray for us, Holy St Genesius:
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us pray:
Almighty and eternal God, your mercy flows from the Heart of your Son opened on the cross for us. In its tides you bring those who have wandered far from your presence back into communion with you, opening up for them a life transformed by your grace. As you touched the heart of St Genesius with your merciful gaze, so now look upon us and hear our prayers. Through his intercession, grant us that confidence and trust which only union with Christ can inspire, and as you led your faithful martyr through the gates of death to an eternal life of joy and glory, lead us in the footsteps of Christ as his disciples and apostles in this world, to be his inheritance in the world to come. We ask this through the same Christ our Lord, Amen.